austin and matt came down Tuesday evening to
austin and matt came down Tuesday evening to
today was one of those days that you look forward to all winter long. a day when the sun is out bright and warm and there are no clouds insight. a day when you keep your windows open all day and night long and let the light breeze enter your home. a day when your eyes hurt without sun glasses on and you cant wait to take your sweatshirt off. a day when your physical education classes finally get to go outside and play instead of being stuck inside a gym. a day you cant wait to get home and get your bike ready for your first ride of the year. that was my day! the second i got home i did just that. i pulled the bike down off it's perch, greased up the chain, pumped up the tires, tested my brakes, reset my odometer, dusted off the cob webs from my helmet and got on for a ride. i am not sure i enjoy anything more than biking. there is something about it that drives me to work really hard, yet it's relaxing and fun. (unlike running).
This weekend was great. full of fun, and friends. Friday night i caught a Osseo vs Armstrong boys high school game, which was very entertaining. i have never seen so many fans at a high school game in my life. it was nutty, i had to wait in line to buy a ticket for 20 minutes. than came home and watched a movie by myself ( so relaxing)...'the Holiday' - i highly recommend it. good flick.
I dont think i've had a major sleep over in a long time...i cant really remember the last time i had girls over for a sleep over. Well last night some of the ladies from the ball team came over to hang out, and it was a riot. They arrived at around 6:00ish and they dug right into the lasagna, garlic bread, grapes and taco dip we had to eat. We sat around for a long while chatting and laughing at Taylor (Linda's little girl) until it was time for her to leave. Than, out side we went to play in the snow....gosh, i haven't played in the snow for a long while either. I have massive snow piles in my yard and man were they fun to jump off of, dig into, fight on, and play Queen of the Hill. It was a great time. Altough some of us were not well prepared....we got cold quick. Some of girls were out playing in the snow in their tennis shoes, my socks for gloves and even some of them decided to put my underwear on their heads. oh the site of that....i will leave that to your imiganation.
For some of you this might come as a surprise, and for some of you....well, you already know! So here it goes. Wednesday I told the women's basketball players that I will no longer be coaching at Northwestern College. I have so enjoyed my 7 years there and have learned so much from coaching with Linda....and even more important than that; i have made a life long friend that i truly trust, respect and have fun with. Linda has been apart of my life since 1993 when i ventured onto the basketball floor as a player and found out that this 'short lady' was going to be my post coach- and from that point on...Linda became a huge influence in my life. I also have so many memories wrapped up in the girls that have come and gone. In the past seven years I have coached 54 different girls, coached 213 games, and been to 700 practices (thats an average), went on two missions trips, coached with four other assistant coaches, have been given to many nick-names to name, and have been challenged in so many ways that i cant even guess at a number. Some of those 54 girls stuck it out for all four years of ball and others came and went in a year. I have some great memories - memories that will stay close to my heart. Memories like heading to Iowa for nationals, watching a player grow to love Jesus more and more, watching girls get engaged and married, bus trips, Schuck Bucks, injuries, making last minute game winning shots, Chicago trip (shopping at Nike town and the harmonica scene) seeing a player come in as a freshman and barely survive and than turn out to be one of our best players as a senior, laughter, Linda being pregnant...Linda having a baby, winning and losing, lay-up drill, Christmas practice, taco dip, Millers bed and breakfast, devotions, seriously....this list can go on and on and on. i told my mom when she tried to convince me to stay on board at NWC, 'it's my time to focus on me, and i cant do that when coaching, it requires my focus.' Although i am sad to say good-bye to this chapter in my life and really cant believe that next October 15th I will not be headed to ball practice; i am excited to have some new experiences in my life. I am hoping to start grad school in May - not that grad school is fun....but an adventure for sure. i am really hoping to get involved in a single bible study at my church (or a friends church), actually have time to have a social life, and i am looking into going over seas to New Zealand to teach for a spell....all things that are new to me. I am excited. But- telling my girls was hard and i was sad and i cant imagine NOT seeing them do their season next year. I will miss it, i have no doubt. I hope and pray that the impact they have had on my life is half the impact i had on their lives. And i hope that somehow i stay connected to Northwestern Women's Basketball and the girls that will be doing life there. Go Eagles.