Northwestern College
my weekend has been full of attending Homecoming events. friday night at my high school and saturday at my college homecoming. It was a perfect day to be outside enjoying football and old friends. i love Northwestern and am so thankful for the four years of education, sports and friends that i got. I was excited to see friends...but was pretty sure that there wouldn't be to many people there that i already dont see on a regular bases. but much to my surprise i did see a good friend of mine that i dont think i have seen since 1998 or so. Paul Brandenbury (sorry no picture) played football and basketball and was a great guy all around. now he lives in Germany with his wife and works for the secert service....thats right, he protects very important people- people like the presdient....crazy. it was good to catch up with him. I spent most of my time with a new friend, Nate. Nate is not a NWC
grad...but wanted to check out a game. So that was fun (sorry no pic of him either). After a good game of football (we lost by the way)... again- football is always more interesting when you know someone playing...
I headed over to a friends house to hang with
1997 NWC grads. Of course there are alot of our good friends missing from the picture that we wish would have showed up to the game ( Heather)...but it was still fun to catch up with these few. good times, great oldies!!! the girl in the back row was my college roommate for all four years - tammy sue! she was a great roommate and she will always hold a special place in my heart. her husband, bart is stand to her right. jamie is the one holding the baby and is the onwer of his house. i actually didn't know jamie in college...but he went! guess our paths weren't meant to cross til now. Sara- the one sitting in front in the red was and still is a good friend. i alwasy enjoy what she has to say. sara was the innocent one in college...never did a thing wrong. i love her. joe and jason - two guys in the back, are great dudes. i love hanging out with them and have grown closer to them in the past year than i ever was in college; so thats cool. joe and i actually went to a movies after the sun went down. overall-a well spent afternoon with great people. i am going to include a couple more pics of my afternoon. i love swinging....makes me fell like a kid again. go out and try it!