JOJO's Journey

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


seriously I have never spent a more worth while $44.99 in my whole life. Yesterday I bought a pair of biker short that have padding in the butt (not sure you can see it in the picture). Yes, they are spandex. Yes, they are not that fashionalbe. Yes, the show every inch of your body fat off. Yes, they are the MOST COMFORTABLE thing to wear while biking. I have no idea why I have spent the past four months riding bike without them. Today I went for a 10 mile ride and my butt has never felt better....those short are very very very good for the butt. I am so glad I got them before the big race on Saturday. 60 miles without some extra padding on the back side may have killed, I'll be riding in comfort- ok, ok- maybe I shouldn't use comfort and 60 mile bike race in the same sentence. huh!!!!! best buy ever! out


Blogger Annette said...

i've got a pair of those crazy things, too!! although i haven't been biking any 10 or 60 mile treks lately. maybe soon.

9:49 PM  

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