Party in the H20

now, you may think 'yeah, so what...thats not a big TV!', yes it is. This is a much bigger version of what i am use to. plus, it makes no noise and has a fantastic picture. i've up graded, to say the least, to a 37 inch flat screen. thanks to my friend Bill i saved about $350 on this TV and am so pleased. I had to go buy a special screw driver ( was just an extra long Philips that i needed, not really special, but i want to say that it was) to get the base set up. i was nervous about pluggin it in and making sure all the wires were right, but honestly- i had to plug in 2 wires and bam- NCAA basketball in my living room...just like that. i feel like i am actually at the game- live...that's how good it is! and that's how big it is. good stuff.
of course this isn't the biggest TV i could have gotten. Bill offered me a 42 inch for only $100 more than i paid (still a fantastic savings), but i honestly think a 42 or bigger would have over taken my tiny living room and i would have had to move one of my new couches out or something, and that would have made me very sad- cuz i love my couches. i am very happy with my new37' flat screen.
jen is coming over tomorrow night to watch movies...i am excited to see what it does! yeah-
today i got a brand new bunch of 7th graders and coudnt be happier. the last batch was horrible; hell on earth horrible. i've hated my job for the past 11 weeks, and i never hate my job. i have bad days, even bad weeks in a row before- but never have i ever expereinced the 7th graders that i just got done with. so bad- unexplainable bad- scare the crap out of me bad. yeah- so i was so happy to get a new batch! these youngsters seem amazing, perfect even. of course, they arent. and of course i'll still have my bad days and my bad weeks- but i am so looking forward to enjoying my job again. today was a day of introductions and rules...i think i smiled all day long cuz these kids actually listened all day long. i contined to smile as the day ended. smiling has been a lost art for me- and it felt incridable to do it today. i am so excited to wake up tomorrow and actually look forward to work. agian- it's been a long 11 weeks. so glad that i get new students every 12 weeks. NICE>