JOJO's Journey

Sunday, May 16, 2010


today i listened to the passion of the christ CD while outside taking a nap in the sun. have you ever just listened to that music...without the movie? it's amazing...!!! i got to the song called the crucifixion and listened to it 4 times over. i was in tears....remembering the pain HE endured for me - the music actually allowed me to feel it more, to picture it, to be thankful for it. is that weird? anyways- my afternoon was filled with sun, naps and some really great reflection on just how important Jesus is! thats the perfect way to spend a sunday afternoon!


Friday, May 14, 2010

chapter 2

I had to read this chapter two times....cuz i think it's something that i didnt understand well...not until now.

Chapter Title: he's just not that into you if he's not calling you

Main points:
* men know how to use the phone
*men like taking breaks from their generally mundane day (busy or not) just to talk with someone they like; it makes them (men) happy.
*man are cowards and they would rather wait until the end of time than give you bad news. a man who likes you wants to spend time with you. he'll only settle for talking to you on the phone fives times a day when he physically cant get to you.
*actions speak loud
*author quote: "if i like you, i dont forget to call you, ever! dont you want a guy who'll forget about all the other things in his life before he forgets about you?
*you should be dating a man who's at least as good as his word.
*the word busy is a load of crap and is most often used by a--holes. The word busy is the relationship weapon of mass destruction. are never to busy to get what they want.
*when you notice that a guys behavior starts making you feel bad about yourself - when you start to feel like he's making you suffer than it's time to start facing the facts- he's just not that into you.

what I learned:
*if he's not calling you, it's because you are not on his mind...and you should be!
*dont be with someone who doesn't do what they say they're going to do
*you deserve a f---ing phone call (sorry for the language...just re-stating the author)
*busy is another word for a--hole (again sorry...) and a--hole is another word for the dude you are dating!

so many times i wonder why a dude that i might like, or have crush on, or made a connection with doesn't call (or in my case respond to my e-harmony questions)...well, i guess i need to face the facts. if he isn't calling (or responding), than he's not into me. and thats fine. why waste my time? i want a guy that cant stand NOT talking to game on. no more waiting by the phone. no more wondering why. the truth hurts...but better to know it than continue to wonder about it! :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"He's just not that into you."

So last week was really hard. I was in NYC all week mourning the death of my good friend Sunil. Don't really want to get into a lot of detail about that, but while there and sitting in Mandi's (Sunil's wife) living room chatting with my friend Allison about e-harmony and guys she mentioned to me that she thought I should read a book called 'he's just not that into you'. Honestly in that moment I didn't really think I'd go get the book and read it...especially since it's a book written by a non-christian on relationships. anyways. this past saturday I was heading to caribou to meet up with my friend Heather. I was early and noticed a half priced book store right next door and meandered in. I went right to the christian section in hopes to find some Francine Rivers books and while on the way to that section there on display was 'he's just not that into you' book. so- with out hesitation I picked it up and paid a whooping $6.00 for it. Sunday afternoon, since it was fantastic outside, I hit the grass with my new book. I was pumped to get started. with highlighter in hand I opened up the book and was instantly glued to the pages. this book is raw and honest and maybe is something I should have read about 15 years ago. here are some of the thoughts that have stuck in my mind the past couple of days. tell me what you think on them.

1. if a 'sane' guy really likes you, there ain't nothing that's going to get in his way. And if he's not sane, or not asking you out, than why would you want him anyways. stop fretting over him!

2. when a guy is into you, he lets you know it. He calls, he shows up, he wants to meet your friends, he cant keep his eyes and hands off you... men are not complicated. There actions speak loud a clear.

3. a man would rather be trampled by elephants that are on fire than tell you that he's just not that into you...thus all of his excuses!

4. Men find it very satisfying to get what they want, so screw the excuse 'to shy'.

5. (this one is my favorite) when men want you, they do the work. it sounds old school, but when a man likes a women, they ask her out! it's that simple. when they don't ask you out- they just aren't that into you!

6. (this one is my 2nd favorite) and i quote the author "you, the superfox reading this book, YOU ARE WORTH ASKING OUT.'

what do you think? thats enough for today. although i could keep writing al
l that i am learning about guys! good, bring on a dude and lets put it into practice. :)

this picture is just of my new hair cut i got while in NY. and the super star sara that did it!