Linda- see these big 3 bags...yes, these bags are from your garage, i had to use them to pick up all the branches and twigs and leaves that were
strued all over your yard. man, you picked a fantastic week to have someone else mow your lawn. no house damage, just a whole lot of branches and leaves that were to thick to mow over, so yes...this girl has to rake your lawn first. that took me about 1 1/2 hour and caused 3 blister on my hands. (i tried to take a picture of my blisters but they didn't turn out). of course came the actually mowing. it's been awhile since I've actually had to push a mower that far and for that long. worked myself up a big sweat.

it was fun...
ok, not really fun but ya know what i mean. i got sun burnt on my shoulders. the mowing part went pretty fast- only a short hour of pushing. oh yes...had a little accident. hit a big branch and the edge of your sewer drain at the same time and put a little dent on the inside of the bottom of your mower. i had to smack it back out with the hammer- oh wait, i couldn't find a single hammer in your garage- where in the heck do you keep them????? so i used a piece of wood, a screw driver, and my foot to push it back out so the blade wouldn't rub on it. anyways- no damage, just a big scare for this girl that thought she wrecked your lawn mower!!!!! all in all- a good afternoon spent on the lawn. hope no more storms come around while i am in charge of your lawn. seriously- you owe me big time.

Justin graduated on Saturday from Seminary at
Bethel and he invited us peeps to attend. i missed the first hour or so of the actual
ceremony, but made the end - the most important part- cake, fruit and coffee!!! Very proud of Justin. He is
seriously one of the smartest
Bible dudes i know. he digs so deep into each and every single verse and has this sort of passion to keep digging and wanting more. he totally inspires me! love that kid! We went over to his

house where his mom cooked for us all. We just hung out and chatted and laughed at each other. it was a good time. it's been a long time since
I've got to just
chill with
justin, jay and
jen...so it was a nice way to spend a
Saturday evening. plus, celebrating
justin's accomplishment was super cool.