JOJO's Journey

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Nicki's Wedding Day - June 20, 2008

Nicki's Wedding day was perfect, well- minus the rain we got for about 45 minutes. was a great day. I so enjoy seeing a good friend like Nicki so happy. She was by far the most calm bride I've ever witnesses, and trust me when i say I've seen a lot. Her hair looked just right for her, but took about 1/2 hour longer than she wanted. no worries....i, being her personal attend, picked her up and when she finished we left for her parents hotel to pick up her dress and things and than were going to hope to have time for lunch before we headed to her hotel to get ready...but due to some traffic and transportation miss-calculations....we got lunch to go. As Nicki eat on the run we came up with a game plan to help her 'getting ready process' to go smooth. Nicki was a calm as we were going to a movie or something. Once we got checked in she hit the make-up which took like 15 minutes....faster ever. than her dress: the fun part! yes. she was so excited to put it on. it looked great on her and again only took a quick couple minute to get it on. i spent more time under her dress trying to find what was scratching her legs. that was interesting! but all in all- she was super calm. and she looked awesome. Dustin picked her up at their wedding night hotel site- and they got to spend a couple minutes alone admiring one another. fun!
The wedding was held at como park outside by the pond. it was beautiful as you can see. a little hot. pictures went great. no worries. but with about 45 minutes to go before the guests were to arrive the rain came. we stood out in it...and again, Nicki was so calm. she just knew it was gonna pass. so- the first round of it we used the ministers robe to cover Nicki- after it let up for a quick second we jetted for the van. there we hung out for about 20 minutes. Here is were Nicki started to panic just a little. there was talk of calling it and heading over to the reception hall right away and having it there, but as we talked the blue sky re-appeared and bamm...beautiful again. so the wedding happen with no problems at all. the sun was out and all was well.
the reception was super fun and it was great to celebrate Nicki and Dustin with good friends. Mandi and Sunil came all the way from New York. and Jen Hennish was there with her husband and baby. good times had by all. it was a long day, but a good day. full of lots of smiles and so much love between Nicki and Dustin. Days like this i am reminded why i have such a deep desire to get married and share that sort of deep love with someone. As i drove home that night praying that I'd stay awake...i prayed for patience as i continue to wonder at what God has for me. And i thanked God for keeping me pure in my journey...and that he would continue to do so. I love Nicki, and I am glad that Dustin will be apart of my life forever. and, i get the pleasure of getting up and doing this all over again tomorrow for Kate's wedding. YES!!! a double whammie.


Blogger Paulette's Postings said...

Joannie, you are such a treasure and I too pray for you so often that God will let His plan play out in your life. I know He has great things for you, you are such a special person, and it's very evident, a great friend to those in your life... I feel so privileged to be your Auntie and to be a part of your life.
God is good, He has a plan!
Love you,
Auntie Paulette

8:42 AM  

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