this and thats of my weekend.
this past week at school was long...i never thought it would end. full moon for the last couple of nights of the week and i could tell by how my kids acted. Friday night was a good time. i played volleyball after school with some co-workers and worked off some of the stress accumulated from the week. Than i headed over to NWC to sit in on basketball practice. gosh, it was fun to see the girls play and practice...i miss it! from there Linda and I went on a walk to catch up on life and than we met up with Al and Taylor (Linda's family) to hit the Seussical (a musical about Dr. Seuss). It was very cute- solid watch.
than i bolted over to Nicki's house to say hi to her and Dustin. haven't seen them in along while. while i was visiting i asked her to dye my hair. was getting really gray gray that one of my students made a comment on it last week...when that happens i know it's time for a dye.
Saturday i slept was amazing. i didn't set a alarm and just told my body to sleep til it woke up...and i slept til 8:15! now, some of you may think....'thats not sleeping in!" to me it totally is sleeping in. i usually wake up around 5:50 or close to 8:15 is a kick butt sleep in. from there i spent the next 25 minutes reading my bible; in my bed. i didn't want to get out cuz it was freezing cold in my house and i had my bed warmer on ( thanks Linda for that, one the the best gifts I've ever gotten)! from there i got up, made coffee and of course spent the next hour or so drinking coffee. yummmmy!
After that i went over to Fawn's house and helped her move out of her apartment and into her new one about 5 miles down the road. i have never in my life seen a women have more stuff than Fawn. i think we went on at least four trips with 2 trucks and 3 cars...and one had a trailer. she had mounds of stuff. it was fun though; fantistic workout. i have grown to highly enjoy Fawn. she makes me laugh.
than i bolted over to Nicki's house to say hi to her and Dustin. haven't seen them in along while. while i was visiting i asked her to dye my hair. was getting really gray gray that one of my students made a comment on it last week...when that happens i know it's time for a dye.
from there i bolted to the Crowne Plaza in Brooklyn Park where my brother was d-jing for a friends wedding. i went over to take the boys swimming in the pool so they didnt have to sit bored during the reception-it was great! so good to see them. it's amazing to have nephews that are so cute and so fun to hang around.
Sunday was great! Pastor Dave is speaking on Matt. 5 and talked today about how to comfort those who are mourning. it was great insight...great stuff. stuff i didn't know. stuff i can apply to life situations. stuff that will help me become a better person. it was good. i suggest you go to and take a listen. Than after church Sara and i spent the afternoon playing around. we went to lunch, than to Barnes and Noble. we looked a children's books and laughed at them. than spent some time looking at cook books, travel books and just books.....than we moved to the games and i ended up buying one. the 'Would you rather' game. so than we sat down at the coffee shop and started to play. we laughed our heads was great. seems like a solid game. than i spent a little over a hour at home correcting paper until Jen convinced me to get in my car, drive 20 minutes to Andrews house just to eat some homemade Chinese food. which was fantastic. Andrew is quite the cook.
Now i am home again, waiting from my bed warmer to heat up so i can climb on in and fall asleep all cozy like.