JOJO's Journey

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Feed My Starving Children

I know it has been forever since i have last posted...but i promise this is a gonna be a good one to read. This past Tuesday I got the pleasure of taking 27 of my 7th graders to Feed My Starving Children, a place where they package food for starving children around the world. it was one of the most humbling, yet joyful experiences i've had in a long long time. In health class we often talk about how our environment can affect our health... and going to feed my starving children helped my sweet, young, impressionable 7th graders understand that their world is pretty good compared to most other children's worlds. These kids worked their butts off packing up bags of rice mixed with soy, dried veggies and a chicken mix to add flavor to the food. it was so fun to watch these kids have a riot packing food. they sang songs, made up chants, chattered with one another, and laughed alot. we feed 6,048 starving children and only worked for 1.5 hours. The kids were super fantastic!!!!!!! They were shocked that in that small amount of time they feed and totally changed the lives of that many children. All of our food is headed to a orphanage in Haiti. Most days I am pretty proud to be a teacher...but today- Proud wasn't the word...i was in tears a couple of times just watching what a difference my kids were making! it was awesome.
On a more personal level, i made an instant connection with our team leader; Ann. She did a great job informing my kids and showing them what a difference they can make. Feed My Starving Children is a group the runs off of donations and most often sends their food out though missionaries or Christians ministries. Ann and I spent a long time talking about missions, church and our jobs. I started to ask questions about positions at Feed My Starving Children, and i think i might end up getting a part time job there. I really dont have a lot of time in my life to take up another job (even if it is part time)- was a place that i felt connected to instantly, a place that i have yet to stop thinking about and it makes me smile alot when i think about going back. so...i have yet to call Ann back, but she said it was pretty likely that i'd be able to pick up some hours on Saturdays, and if i stick it out could possibly turn into full time work over the summer. Which would be super cool. It also gets me pretty excited to think that i would be working around and amidst Christians! anyways- it was a really cool outing with my students and i cant wait to go back!!!!!!
nice work NVJH'ers!


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