goodness, it has been a long while since i have blogged. sorry to all those out there that check and are disappointed when i dont have a current blog. i've been blogged out the past couple of weeks. and this fine satruday morning i figured i would update it.
detox has been going really well. I am at day 16; with 5 days left! it has been a good haul thus far. I cant say there havent been days where i was totally sick of just eating fruit and vegtables, but for the most part my body has adjusted and it now craves veggies. the other night i got home after working out and my body was craving cabbage, onions, peppers, and mushroom... stir fry style. weird that i was craving cabbage instead of things like chocolate and bread; two things i highly enjoy. i have cheated a couple times. i went to eat a banana a week ago and really needed some peanut butter so put a talbespoon on my banana. it was fantastic. i think the thing i miss the most being on this program is coffee! goodness sakes!!!!! i am growing to love green tea a ton, but coffee will never be replaced! man. i have lost 11 pounds and feel totally healthy. my skin is clear, i have energy galore, and my body is no longer dependent on coffee, carbs and junk food. once i reach day 21 i plan to splurge on a caribou run and maybe eat a peice of pizze with some friends. otherwise, i plan to keep the new habits i have learned to see what happens to my body over a longer period of time. not sure what 'a longer period' of time means. but we will see!
i am so glad that Feburary is half over. bye far this is the worst month to teach. the kids are out of control...they are itching to get outside and use up some of their pent energy! but on a high note, i took 30 of my 7th graders to Feed My Starving Children this past Tuesday and we had a riot. FMSC is a place that bags food for starving children all over the world. My students and i made 7085 bags of food in 1.5 hours. it was super cool. the kids put a scoop of chicken powder full of vitamins, a scoop of dried veggies, a cup full of soy and another cup full of rice. than we seal the bag and place them in a box that will be shipped all over the world. i was very proud of my students and how excited they were to actually feed starving kids. when given the opportunity kids love to step up to the plate and do kind and decent things. i am pursuing a part-time job there for the summer and really hope it pans out. last night i went over to a friends house to help him put in ceiling tiles in his basement. a bunch of us were there and just goffed around and tried to get some work done on his house. working on a friends basment doesnt sound like much fun, but when you throw a bunch of good friends into the mix, it made it really funtomorrow and monday ( i dont have to work) i am heading home to the parents house to visit and hang low. i havent been home since Christmas and am looking forward to seeing Dakota; the puppy i got mom for Christmas. so that should be a good way to end my weekend.
hope you all are well!!!!