I want to tell you about the most productive day ever!
5:30 a.m. - snooze was pushed
5:40 - up...
6:45 - @ work getting a PE final test ready
7:20- 2:00 - worked all day long. took a 13 minute break for lunch to eat....otherwise i was correcting finals, cleaning girls locker room, cutting locks, taking down posters and packing up books. seriously...i did nothing for 13 minutes.
2:00- 3:30 - cleaned out a storage room looking for a shuffle board game; i could not for the life of me find it cuz the room was sooooooo messy. my hands were a different color when i was down. sooooo dirty! the good thing was not only did i find 2 games of shuffle board, but i also found a bocce ball game and some stacking cups...who knew!
3:30-4:30 - cub run and a fleet farm run to buy a yard game for my 6th graders tomorrow.
4:30-5:15- a run....on the treadmill
5:15-6:00- did some laundry while packing for the weekend at the cabin with the girls....(cant wait)
6:00-6:30- pizza in the oven while i went outside and blew up 50 more water balloons.
6:30-7:00- sat down, eat pizza and watched wheel of fortune
7:00-7:30- back outside and did more water balloons while i chatted with my goffy neighbor. he could not believer that i was filling up water balloons for a bunch of 6th graders.
7:30-8:30 - made puppy chow for the weekend, packed up some of the food i am bringing, cleaned the kitchen, did another load of laundry.
8:30-8:45 - did 25 or so more balloons....i think i lost count....and am FINALLY done.
8:45- to current (9:09).....sitting on the couch drinking some sleepy time tea and thinking about how freaking crazy my day was and how much crap i got down. no wonder i feel like i could fall asleep RIGHT NOW.