New York
My main goal in coming to NY for 6 days was to be the hands, feet and love of Jesus for Sunil and Mandi. I feel like so far I've been doing a decent job, but I must admit it is hard to remain stable in such a hard time, and in such a crazy city! Sunil is doing okay. I've visited him every day for a couple of hours and since Thursday, when I arrived, I can tell that he is getting stronger. The PT and all the work he has been doing in the hospital is helping; which is a big encouragement. Yesterday was a tough day for both him and Mandi. They spent the day together snuggled on his bed and had lots of emotional stuff come out. They both referenced angels when I arrived around 8:00 p.m. last night. Angels...yes, they are real. Sunil thinks that I am an angel (wow, thats a big role to fill) to do their dirty work for them. Man, that in it's self is a praise and worth all the money and time to get here. I am excited that Sunil is open to see the love of Jesus show up in flesh.
I've been reading a book; well actually one chapter in a book about why God allows suffering, and how to decipher what that means. I've been looking for the right moment to read it to him and than talk about the wonders of who God really is. I want so much for his heart to realize just how big God is....even if he doesnt get healed, and even if his current situation is pretty crappy. God shows up in those places regardless...and I want them both (mandi included) to know and believe that. I've also been reading Job and am hoping to find away to get him to read that's insane and full of suffering, frustration, wondering at who God is and why He does the things He does...but i am not sure Sunil is ready for that book yet. but...will pray on it, read it and look for Gods timing.
On a complete different note: this city is nuts! i love being here...but could never do life here. I will give you just a couple of my crazy highlights.
#1- printed off directions to get to IKEA in Brooklyn and realized that to get home i needed a whole different set of directions. so...prayed and went with hit. got myself home, by the grace of God I am sure. but it made me feel like I could conquer the city.
#2- printed off directions for which subway and bus to use to get down town...and made it. but...waited for a bus for 20 minutes and than realized that it wasnt going to show up so had to walk the 7 blocks (and they are super long blocks) instead of take the bus. geezzzzz
#3- locked myself out on the patio at the apartment. I guess the keys you use to get into the apartment are not the same ones you use to get in and out of the patio. i had to through a snow ball up at the neighbors apartment window and hope that they would come let me in. they did..i was nervous though. and the dog was frozen!!!! we were only locked out for about 10 minutes. but was freaked out regardless...
#4- watching NY people try to dig themselves out of 8-10 inches of snow. gosh...thats funny stuff. people here have no idea how to work the snow.
#5 - living with 2 cats and a un-trained dog has been enough to push me over the edge...but, they are all growing on me and probably will end up missing them when i leave. the dog best get trained soon though....or else! :)
well it is currently 9:30. Mandi is at work. Sunil is in PT. so I best get to going as well. I have lots to do here! for those of you that know me...and Sunil- thanks for praying! God is good...all the time. And all the time...God is good!