JOJO's Journey

Sunday, August 20, 2006


so we (the family) were sitting around the table friday night eating burgers at ma and pa's house and Carey mentioned that she was running in the Mora 1/2 marathon saturday morning. FYI - Carey is an animal when it comes to running; she is fast and makes running look effortless; i wish i was her! Anyways- Carey also mentioned that there was a 5K run as well. So my mother - God Bless her- got this crazy idea that she wanted to run in the 5K. Now let me give you the DL (down low) on my mother. She hasnt ran a long distance in a very long time...but, is determined and when she gets an idea in her head it cant be changed. She also was dealing with a cut/sore on the top of her foot. So...after some converstation she convinced me to run it with her. It was a great time. Mom did awesome. She did the first whole mile with out walking at all, and did the last two with alot of heart. We finished in 40 minutes; with smiles on our faces. Mom ended up winning 2nd in her age group...go figure! I, on the other hand - did not win a thing, but it was well worth it to see my mom finished a 5K run! She tells me that she is going to stay motivated and run a bit more...and maybe prepared ahead of time for the 5k next year. Carey also won 2nd in her age group finishing her 1/2 in 1:44:37. She is awesome, like i said!!!!! Overall it was a good time. I am very proud of my mom- and even though it took us 40 minutes to finish she has motivated me to work a bit harded in my training for Tri's. OUT.


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