JOJO's Journey

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Man of the Month - August!

I was perusing the web this evening while watching TV and came across another women's blog. She does some sort of 'Monday pick' and talks about some person she thinks deserves being recognized. I've decided to do something along those lines, but less often and of course will be limited to 'men'.
This past weekend was girls weekend and of course Sarah asked me who my top 5 celebrity picks were. They have changed a lot as of late (but paul walker will never lose his #1 position) and I've been stuck at finding a #5. No worries, I've found him. Thus, he wins the 'man of the month- August' award.
For those of you that watch TV he was on ABC tonight doing a tid-bit on how to help control and teach lions to get use to humans. This was filmed in Africa on a park reserve that is meant to give tours. I guess the lions are to dangers and the tours will no longer happen unless the lions can become a little be more tolerable of humans! it was insanely interesting! the hour rolled on; i fell in love! Ok- not really, but.....

Dave Salmoni is a 33 year old, 6'3" Canadian (he might actually resort my hatred for Canadians- thats a whole different story), who majored in zoology and biology. He trains animals in all sort of areas, but has a passion for tigers and lions. This show was about helping a reserve in Africa calm the lions down so tours can be given to see all the wild life! Dave does life for 3 months with these lions and it was awesome. There will be a animal planet show on his adventure, what he learner about the lions, and how he helped them. All I know is that the dirtier and hairier he got, the hotter he got! Anyways...Sarah- here is my #5 and the Man of the Month- August!

i do have to say though...this surfer dude (the one on the far left looking at the camera) might make the list some day, only if i knew who he was! i randomly came across this picture when i was looking up a beach in Australia that i visited 3 summers ago and i couldn't remember the name. This dude came up on my screen! crazy cool.


Blogger The Lefto's said...

I haven't checked your blog lately. When did it become a soft porn site?? Don't get me wrong, I like it!!

9:54 PM  

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