JOJO's Journey

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Saturday Part I- Hope Rides.

Vollie and I have been friends since the 6th grade. Her and I met on the play ground one day (which is a long story) and have been pals since. About 2 years ago Vollie approached me and asked me if I'd be on the board of directors for her non-profit organization called 'Hope Rides'. This organization it just getting it's feet wet, but Vollie (and many others involved) have high hopes and big aspiration of things to happen with Hope Rides. To sum up what our mission is: to have a 'horsing' out reach program for the at risk population (which is massive). A place for people to come and learn about horses and life. We have a lot of planning to do and a lot of things to get done, but have seen the hand of God move in more than one way; which is super cool. if you want more information on Hope Rides go to and check us out. We'd love any and all support you can give us.

Ok- that was background information to what happened Saturday Morning. I got up at 5:00ish to get ready for the Horsemanship Horse Clinic held by Hope Rides, it was a fund raiser. 17 riders showed up to learn more about becoming a better rider. Lloyd Anderson did a fantastic job and many of the riders seemed to highly enjoy it. The weather was awesome, and Vollie and I of course had a great time catching up on life. Please take a look at coming out next year to attended the clinic.

I had to leave 4 hours early to get home in time to start round 2 of my Saturday. (see round 2 entry above)


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