JOJO's Journey

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

girl friends

girl friends and their kids are always fun to hang with on a nice sunny spring day. darla (far left) wanted to hang at the MN Zoo today, so we did. it was a good time checking out some animals and tyring to have conversation with Emma (in my arms). She is soooo funny, and has the craziest things to say. Allison (middle) and her daughter of one year old also joined the party at the zoo. although in very different stages of life (them with their kids and me with out kids), i highly enjoy our relationship(s). there is something special about doing life with a girl friend that knows you really well. darla and i have been friends since high school- 1991 i think is when our friendship started. good times...and since it has grown and changed alot. i have learned alot from darla in the past, (like how to hold it together like she does under the most stressful and insane situations every) and hope to continue to learn from her forever. Allison and i become friends due to a boy....yes, she had a crush, that turned to a boyfriend that than become her husband of a very close friend of mine from college; and since than she and i have developed a close and fun relationship. i remember in the beginning stages of our friendship we memorized verses together, i love having that kind of connection with her. wish we had time to do that again. the zoo was good...we hit the best day out of the week! thank goodness. the kids seemed to enjoy the animals. the highlight for me was touching the baby sharks...their skin is soft and even had kind of a slimy feeling. and than the, they were on the move and one of them tried to pounce on a duck that was swimming in their little pond. it was fun to see the tigers actually do something. so there ya have afternoon at the zoo with cool girlfriends! life doesn't get much better than this.


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