JOJO's Journey

Saturday, November 11, 2006

78 degrees!!!!!

the first day of conference was good. learned a lot about how other schools and other teachers grade there phy ed classes; it is always good to get other peoples ideas! also spent a couple hours coming up with criteria discriptors, which if you dont know what that means...thats ok, i do! spent lunch today laying on the was 78 degrees out today! oh goodness- how i would love to live in a place were its sunny and warm year round. (not that i dont love MN>>>cuz i do!) the NVJH'ers hung out at the beach together after the conference was over as well. it gets chilly after the sun goes down, so we didn't stay long. (left to right - Viv, Jen, Danielle, Chad, Lauren and me) we're a spunky bunch, full of life! we definatly decided that JUNIOR HIGH teachers are way to much fun. tonight we decide to go all out on our dining experience and went to a place called Yamoto Steakhouse. Great fun, great food...the dude in the picture is cooking our food at our table. yes, thats a ton of food, and that was just the veggies we got - not the rice or the meat we ordered. he pulled out some pretty funny stuff. had a little man doll that peed water on the stove and on our food, made a volanco out of oinions, tossed shrimp in the air for us to catch in our mouths, and pretended to squart ketchup on me....those are just a few of the laughs we had. we had more than enough food, and i left with a full belly and some major heart burn ( i know you all wanted to know that). as i retire to sleep in my very fluffy bed with my very fluffy pillows...i say this! Visit Myrtle Beach sometime.

since the picture posting thingy is working tonight i will post a couple pictures from yesterday that i wanted to show ya all...enjoy.
playing in the sand rules, no matter how old you are!


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