JOJO's Journey

Sunday, July 16, 2006

boys basketball camp

I got the pleasure this past week (July 10-14) of coaching at George Palke's Christian boys basketball camp. It was a hoot. This is my team...consisted mostly of 10-12 graders. They were great. They were bit shy at first, but after a couple of days and me coming up with some funny questions to ask them they opened up. I am always challenged in some way when I finish coaching camps; sometimes it with how I can become a better coach, sometimes on how I need to become more discplined, and sometimes in my walk with God. This week I was challenged by the other coaches; mostly Chad Miller. For those of you who know him he is a great guy. He had such good things to challenge the whole camp with- including me. He share his CIDER theme with us. Which are Godly character qualities that every Godly man (and women) should have. The C- character. How we act and how we respond to things. I- integrity. How we act when know one is looking. D- discpline. With our bodies, with our minds, with our faith. E- encouragement. Do we do it? How do we do it? And should we do more of it? And the R- respect. Gotta give it to get it! I went home that night and thought alot about me life and these five areas. I was highly challenged with the integrity part and how I act, what I say and how I do life when know one is looking. I was also challenged with encourgement...I feel like I do a decent job of that but can offer so much more to so many more people and I just dont do it! So, thanks Chad, I hope to work on this two areas of my life for a spell! I challenged my boys team to consider these five areas as they left camp and to evaluate them and to challenge themselves to stay a CIDER guy. I also gave the a couple verses out of Titus to reference! I love Titus, one of my all time favorite books. I love coaching- so many opportunities come about to talk about God through ball. I hope and pray that my boys had a good week playing ball and learning about Jesus! They were a riot...


Blogger Annette said...

Good, Good, Stuff, JoAnimal! I love the CIDER acronym & I agree that Chad Miller is super. Miss that kid! Let's do lunch in mid/end August, and I'm PROUD of you and your TRI. I'm jealous.

5:55 PM  

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