JOJO's Journey

Monday, June 26, 2006


WHAT CAN I SAY....THAT'S A BIG ROCK. Traveled to the outback - Ayers Rock; the Australians call it Uluru. Anyways! After our flight was almost two hours late we finally got up in the air and 2 1/2 hours later arrived in the OUTBACK. We were out in the middle of no where... just to look at a rock; which in truth is pretty insane. God is pretty powerfull to make something like this out in the middle of no where! When we arrive and checked into our Outback Pioneer hostel (which is much better that the Backpacker hostel in Sydney), we got bused to the rock. We really wanted to climb to the top of it, but didnt have time. So...we explored the bottom of it and got to see the sun set on it. IThe rock actually changes colors; for real! The next morning we bused back out ot the rock to see the sunrise and to try (again) to climb it. iBut it was to windy thus - no climb! So instead we decided we'd try to walk around it. please note- we had 1 1/2hours to walk it in and the base of the rock is 6 miles. we huffed it and made it...ok, almost made it! (we were a 1/2 mile short before the bus had to pick us up to check the plane) it was pretty cool. got back on the plane - made the change to car travel and drove of 12 hours that same day north to the gold coast. the drive was long and very tiring. the picture below is one of my favorites. its just a picture i snapped during sunrise of the outback and such and it turned out so well i'd thought i'd share it with you all. sorry for the misspelled words and the un-caped letters. no time- internet hook up here is very spendy. with that said, i will not be updating on a daily bases....just so you know (mom) not to get to nervous! we are fine, healthy and enjoying aussie land.


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